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Alumni Membership

Alumni MembershipEnjoy SAA Membership Benefits

While you have some perks and benefits as a cherished alum, our Stanford Alumni Association membership grants you access to various special perks and benefits exclusive to members.

Members-Only Benefits

Unlock exclusive benefits and upgraded versions of select perks—while also supporting programs for students and alums—with a Stanford Alumni Association (SAA) membership.

10% off Stanford Live performances

Get 10% off most Stanford Live performance tickets for you and a guest. Valid on online, in-person, and phone orders. Log in with your SAA credentials to access the discount.

Membership Pricing

While a majority of the benefits listed above are available to all members, some are available exclusively to Stanford alums.

Stanford Alum

Undergraduate and graduate alumni of Stanford.


Lifetime Installment
split into five equal annual payments

Stanford Affiliate

Stanford faculty, staff, interns, residents, fellows, certificate holders, postdocs, retirees, Travel/Study participants and Stanford parents


Friend of Stanford

Non-alumni, non-affiliate. Benefits are similar to Stanford Affiliate.


Thank you

Without the support of our members, the popular programs, services and resources we offer all alumni and students would not be possible.