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Our leadership and departments

SAA LeadershipGuiding The Way

Howard E. Wolf, ’80

Vice President for Alumni Affairs, Stanford University and President, Stanford Alumni Association

Jasmin Cooke, ’05

Chief People and Culture Officer

Janet Hall, MBA ’97

Chief Financial Officer

Renée Hirschberg

Chief Alumni Relations Officer

Stanford Alumni

(650) 723-2021
(800) 786-2586 (toll-free)

Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center
326 Galvez Street
Stanford, CA 94305-6105

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, under authority delegated by the university’s Board of Trustees, sets priorities for Stanford’s alumni relations, oversees SAA’s administration and programs, monitors budgets and long-term program plans, and approves goals for the division.

Jennifer Chou, ’00, MA ’01, JD ’05

Los Angeles, CA

David Hornik, ’90

Vice Chair
Palo Alto, CA

Antonio Aguilar, ’18, San Francisco, CA
Kitty Boone, ’79, Snowmass, CO
Maya Burns, ’12, MA ’13, Los Angeles, CA
Andrés Cantero, Jr., ’12, Los Angeles, CA
Hans Carstensen, ’70, MBA ’74, Shelburne, VT
Paulo Castañón, MS ’96, Paris, France
Preston DuFauchard, ’78, Oakland,. CA
Kate Duhamel, ’83, MBA ’88, San Francisco, CA
Ireena Erteza, MS ’87, PhD ’93, Albuquerque, NM
Kern Guppy, MS ’76, MS ’78 PhD ’80, Sacramento, CA
Xavier Gutierrez, JD ’00, Paradise Valley, AZ
Maribel Hernandez-Davis, MD ’85, Penn Valley, PA
Greg Justice, ’11, Redondo Beach, CA
Melinda Kliegman, PhD ’13, Seattle, WA
Danielle Limcaoco, 19, Brooklyn, NY
Simeen Ali Mohsen, ’96, Newton, MA

Daniel Mottesi, ’25, Stanford, CA
Jason Okonofua, PhD 15, Cranston, RI
Eddie Poplawski, ’81, MBA ’87, Bellevue, WA
James Quattromani, ’00, Madison, WI
Mili Dutt Reddy, ’02, Hillsborough, CA
Amanda Renteria, 96, Piedmont, CA
Gabrielle Sagalov, MBA ’17,Menlo Park CA
Lily Sarafan, ’03, MS ’03, Los Gatos, CA
Lolita Sy, ’83, Makati City, Philippines
Jessica Yinka Thomas, ’95, Durham, NC
Matthew Tsang, ’01, Minneapolis, MN
Marilyn van Loben Sels, 66, Clarksburg, CA
Shankar Vedantam, MA ’93, Washington, DC
Carly Villareal, ’11, MS ’14,, San Francisco, CA
Maurice Werdegar, ’86, MBA ’92, Woodside, CA
Kyra Yap, MS ’24, Mountain View, CA