Stanford 50th
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Inspired by the civil rights movement and hardening antipathy toward the war in Vietnam, student activists were challenging Stanford on many fronts.
"…they decided to take the faculty, put them on a riverboat on the Rhine River, creating a “floating campus” for 75-80 alumni families. It was a big success and established a model for the future of Travel/Study."
Travel/Study Director, 1974–1992
Travelers taking in the scenery on the 1968 Rhine River College trip.
Bob Tennyson, ’54, MBA ’58 (left), with fellow alumni travelers, from the scrapbook of Bob and Sally Tennyson.
Bob and Sally Tennyson on the Rhine River cruise.
Ship tags show travelers’ cabin number and destination.
At a hotel on an excursion to Lake Lucerne.
A clipping from the October 1968 Stanford Alumni Almanac describes the tour.
A telegram wishes a happy anniversary to travelers on board.
Enjoying a stop in Switzerland at the end of the cruise.
Travel on the Mississippi
In 1979, seeking a domestic destination for the nascent alumni Travel/Study program, then-director Peter Voll chartered the historic paddle-wheeled steamboat the Delta Queen, filling it with 186 travelers for a 2-week trip down the Mississippi.
"As our trips passed through America’s heartland it was a sight to behold—the Delta Queen steaming along the river, the calliope playing “Come Join the Band,” drawing everyone within earshot to see the steamboat a-comin.’"
Travel/Study Director, 2005–present
Top of the world
North Pole: Travelers’ Notebook
On the 7th day of the journey, as the ship drew close to 90°, anticipation ran high. The group assembled on deck, with champagne. After careful measuring and maneuvering, the captain confirmed their location: They had reached the Pole!
The Sovetskiy Soyuz breaking ice.
Photo credit: Joel Simon, ’74, MS ’84
"There was no darkness during the night—and we could expect none for at least 2 weeks."
Peter Voll reviews routing in the air on the 1990 African Kingdoms College
Peter sporting the Stanford banner in the Antarctic, 1988
Terry Root and faculty leaders Gary Ernst and Stephen Schneider with Peter on the 1992 North Pole Expedition
Peter sporting the Stanford banner in the Antarctic, 1988
Peter on deck aboard the legendary Sea Cloud on the 1987 South Pacific College
Peter inspecting snorkel gear on the 1986 South Seas and New Guinea College.
Doorways to the past
The Nile Program introduced alumni to the history and sites of Egypt, from the Great Pyramids of Giza to the tombs of Luxor Valley and beyond.
A caparisoned camel looks on with the Great Pyramids of Giza in the background.
Photo credit: Jesus Beltran, ’00
Stanford travelers at the foot of the Sphinx on the 2013 Nile College.
Photo credit: Jesus Beltran, ’00
Commemorative Pins
From 1986 to 2009 Travel/Study produced lapel pins that were given out to participants on the last night of their trip. The pins were designed to commemorate specific trips, types of trips, particular destinations and sometimes world events.
Field study
Alumni and current students study evolution and sustainability in the Galápagos with Professor William Durham, ’71.
A Sally Lightfoot crab navigates the volcanic shore of the Galápagos.
Photo credit: Wyatt Roy, ’11