SAA Logos
The SAA logo system includes wordmarks and the block “S” with tree. Each logo type can be used in different ways and for different purposes. Read on to learn more about how to use them.
Note: Trademark designations and ® use guideline
As a general rule, use the SAA logos with designation when they will appear on products like clothing or other merchandise (for internal or external audiences, for sale or otherwise). If you are using the block “S” with tree or SAA wordmarks such as “Cardinal,” “The Farm” or “Fear the Tree” on any item, you must use artwork that includes the appropriate ® trademark designation. When the identity is applied to swag, there must be a ® symbol included.
If creating any merchandise or physical products (for sale or otherwise) using Stanford’s name or logos, contact Trademark Licensing for approval.
The wordmark is the primary SAA logo and is for SAA use only. It cannot be accurately reproduced with any typeface and should not be modified.
Block “S” With Tree
The block “S” is the secondary SAA logo and can be used as a sign-off, such as in an email footer or on the back of a printed piece. The block “S” is the only logo that sponsors are permitted to use in communications, and it should never be used in close proximity to a sponsor logo or in a lockup (where two logos appear together and are treated as one unit).
Size and Spacing
Make It Large Enough to Read
Always make the wordmark at least .85 inch for print and 85 pixels for digital applications so that they are reproduced at a size where they are clearly legible.
Small merchandise, such as pens and pins, require particular attention to the minimum size. If the minimum size cannot be met, the logo is unreadable.
The logo may need to be larger when they are reproduced via low-resolution media, such as on websites or in presentations, in order to retain design integrity.
Give It Enough Room to Breathe
There should always be a buffer zone surrounding the wordmark, with no type or graphics appearing in the zone. At a minimum, the space should be equal to the x-height of “Stanford” at any given size and extend above, below, to the left and to the right of the logo.
Do not place other graphics or typography in the minimum clear space area, except for trademark designations when appropriate.
Clear space is particularly important when the wordmark is being used alongside other logos. The clear space allows all the logos to breathe and the communication to be more digestible.
Logo Downloads
Our signature university color is Cardinal red.
For png (digital) format: RGB (R: 140, G: 21, B: 21)
For eps (vector/print) format: CMYK (C: 0, M: 100, Y: 65, K: 34)